The Brewing Process

10 Step Brewing Process
- Steep pre-milled malted barley in hot water approximately 90 minutes in the Mash Tun. This process converts the available
starches into fermentable sugar.
- Drain (Lauter) the Sweet Liquor (Wort) from the Mash Tun into the Kettle.
- Begin the boiling process which is approx. 90 – 120 minutes.
- Hops are added at various times during the boil to add bitterness, flavor and aromatics depending on the beer style being brewed.
- At the end of the boil, the Wort is whirl pooled to collect any particulates from grain and hops, at the bottom center of the Kettle.
- The liquid Wort is then pumped from the Kettle through a Heat Exchanger into a Fermentation vessel to cool down. Pure oxygen is injected into the solution for a healthy fermentation.
- Yeast is then added to the oxygen rich Wort. The yeast, a living organism, absorbs the oxygen and consumes the sugar creating
alcohol and carbon dioxide as a byproduct. This process can take 2 – 6 weeks depending on the beer style.
- Once the yeast has consumed all the sugar (Attenuation), the temperature is lowered to almost freezing to put the yeast in a
lethargic state.
- The yeast then falls (Flocculate) to the bottom of the vessel. Since yeast is a living thing, it can then be harvested to use again.
- The finished beer is filtered and racked into conditioning/serving vessels ready for consumption.
Enjoy Our Award Winning Beers!